Happy Tree Friends Fanon Wiki

Stilton is a HTFF character who debuts in the 84th season.


Character bio[]

Stilton is a rather small gerbil who is periwinkle in color. Despite his clearly small size, Stilton towers the rest of the cast as he is almost always seen wearing a pair of wooden stilts. His stilts cause him to stand just taller than Lumpy (however they can change height if a gag demands it). The reason why Stilton wears stilts is that he was tired of not being able to reach high up things. Stilton is mostly shown to be a very calm and and straightforward character, not afraid to do any task set for him. In fact, he may seek out tasks that need someone tall or are higher up.

The main gag for Stilton is that despite the fact that he's willing to wear his stilts, he is terrified of heights and panics if he actually looks down, thus he tends to try and not to do that as much as possible, often causing trouble. When he does look down he freaks out and suffers from vertigo. He tends to fall over a lot if that happens, which leads to his death.

Lastly, it's noted that due to him being high up, he is unable to reach things below him. For the sake of jokes or plot events, his fear of heights is sometimes ignored and he tends to pull off a Handy-like expression before trying to reach said object in odd ways.

His head is often the main target for his deaths.


Starring roles[]

Featuring roles[]



  1. Stilted Speech - The top of his head is sliced off.
  2. Tall Tales - Hit by a car.
  3. Sphere to Stay - Impaled and crushed by Quartz.
  4. Gold One's Hand - Cracked his head on the floor.
  5. Throwing Toxic - Head impaled on the switch.
  6. Feline Pine - Breaks his head on the sidewalk.
  7. Keep It Cool - Impaled on a beach umbrella.
  8. Stilted Judgement - Strangled by a scarf when Cub pulled it.


  1. Feline Pine - Pierced by Purrsy Cat's quills.

