Happy Tree Friends Fanon Wiki

HTF: Slender is a fan game by Uhohspaghhetiohs


When Webb goes missing, Britt, Melody, Elizabeth, Sekai, Squishy and Munchkin enter the woods and investigate. Little do they know they are being chased by an entity-no, 3 entities.


The game is played exactly like Slender, where the protgonist has to find 8 pages, while avoiding the 3 entities (Slender Man, Proxy Bella, and a demonic Webb). The entities will chase after you at a more quicker speed if you leave your flash light on, and slower if the light is off.


  • Britt: All around. Has an average amount of stamina and speed
  • Melody: Extremely high stamina, but low speed
  • Elizabeth: High speed and stamina
  • Sekai: High Speed, but low stamina
  • Squishy: low speed and stamina
  • Munchkin: High speed, but extremely low stamina


  • Slender Man
  • Bella: (better known as Blindside) A wolf who is now under Slender Man's control. She has bandages where her eyes were, and tries to kill any one who comes form the pages with a katana
  • Webb: (the Seeker) A new proxy, who sets his eyes on a target, with sheer determination.