Happy Tree Friends Fanon Wiki

Scavenger Grunt is a Fan episode.






A large class lead by Lumpy walk outside for a scavenger hunt. Everyone is given a sheet. Grunts sees a cardboard cut-out of a viking ship, causing him to flip-out.

Meanwhile, Sniffles tries to find a cowboy hat. When he sees a dead Howdy, not caring about his death, takes his hat and checks it. When he goes to find a bell, he comes across an anthill. He rubs his stomache and begins to have his snack. He slowly sticks his tongue in, but The Ants impale him in the eye with a fork and ties him to the anthill. Lumpy comes by and tells Sniffles that it is not lunch time (thinking that Sniffles was trying to eat the ants).

Grunts comes up to Hatchy. Hatchy has fun for a second, but Grunts trips him and Hatchy falls face first-covering his face with the sheet, giving him paper cuts. Grunts takes one piece out and impales him in the eye, killing him.

Next, Flaky walks around nervously with Trippy, and when The Ants hold up a bell to hit Sniffles with, Trippy picks up the bell and uses it for his scavenger hunt. The Ants become sad, so they take the fork out of Sniffles eye and puts it in his mouth. When Sniffles dies, The Ants eat Sniffles' tongue.

Flaky and Trippy come across a tree, with an Easter Egg on it. Grunts knocks the tree down and crushes Trippy, but Flaky survives with her legs cut off. Grunts sees her survival and takes off part of the tree bark and cuts Flaky's neck.

Mia happily runs through the place singing. When she bumps into the dead Howdy, she freaks out and dies of heart attack. Grunts sees that Mia is already dead and laughs hardly. The Ants continue eating Sniffles' remains, but when it starts getting cold, they throw it at Grunts, who is impaled by Sniffles' glasses, but still alive.


"Take a scavenger hunt!"


  • Howdy is seen dead (death not seen).
  • Hatchy is given a paper cut in the eye.
  • Sniffles is impaled in the mouth by a fork.
  • Trippy is crushed by a tree.
  • Flaky's neck is cut by tree bark.
  • Mia dies of heart attack seeing Howdy's dead body.


  • Sniffles is impaled in the eye by a fork.
  • Flaky's legs are cut off.
  • Grunts is impaled by Sniffles' glasses.


  • Although Grunts survived, this is the first time he is injured.
  • This is Hatchy's debut appearance.
  • This is one of the few times a character does not die when impaled.
  • This is the first time The Ants attacked Sniffles first.