Happy Tree Friends Fanon Wiki

Town of Demons is an upcoming RPG game created by Anaajimura that will be previewed.



  • Lucario (party member)
  • Calina
  • Yuka
  • Daiki (appears at start, later found by the party when working in the library, after that he joins the party)
  • Hanako
  • Tait
  • Nami

Minor characters[]

  • Sesslag


The story begins with Daiki hiding in a dark place, gasping. He starts to think about three thieves whom he was running from and then thinks that he has lost them, but they appear. Daiki gives one step backward. He questions about what they want, then the thieves respond that they want the book that his father gave to him when he was a child. Daiki gives another step backward, saying that he will not give his book and will decide to fight to protect both himself and the book. The thieves laugh at him and come closer, while Daiki steps backward until his back touches something. He notices that it is a machine portal and remembers that if he comes closer he will disappear into the portal. The thieves come closer, while Daiki closes his eyes and thinks that it is his end, but a light appears. A hand grabs his jacket, pulling him to the portal. The thieves are confused and astonished. One of the thieves questions who turned on the portal, but none of thieves know. They go away, Meanwhile, Daiki finds himself alive as he fall of knees and sighs in relief. A demon appears, which he sees and screams at, but the demon covers his mouth. A voice (which is a thief's) said that they heard his voice, while another voice said that something is wrong. Later, everything goes quiet. Daiki removes the hand from his mouth and questions who the demon is, so the demon introduces himself as Sesslag and helps Daiki to stand up. Daiki thanks and then questions what he wants. Sesslag says that his town is out of balance and he knows about a hybrid hero and his team who can save the town with Daiki's magic book. So, Daiki decides to help Sesslag on his mission and ends up becoming his co-worker.

In Lucario's school, there's his "former bully now friend" Tghif. When Tghif questions him about Daiki, Lucario notices that Daiki is not in class. Both start to think about it, then Lucario, his sister and their cousins leave the class when they are called by the principal. When they arrive in detention, they see a s

Meanwhile, Yuka notices a clinic and asks the party if they can stay there.

If the party agrees to come to the clinic. Tait knocks the door. A doctor demon fox appears and introduces himself as Ikihshojih Len, then he questions Tait. Tait says that he had been born with a weakness, about how his family is poor and he doesn't want to waste money. Len says to Tait that he doesn't need money.
