Happy Tree Friends Fanon Wiki


Daredevil beaver


Omg, Citrus wont stop eating his computers i give him, its interupting my stunts... from now on his next computer im giving him will have no citrus fruits... im losing some of my fans... I HATE LOSING FANS


  • Citrus: wha... your not giving me citrus anymore...
    • Daredevil: no, you can have citrus whenever you want... after all, you should really have your addiction towards meat... your a bear... bears are carnivores...
      • Citrus: D-Daredevil, your disagreeing with me... BUT WE ARE BEST FRIENDS
        • Daredevil: oh my god...
  • Gutsy: Are you copying my stunts? 
  • Daredevil: No, i would never copy what people do